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Our Mission

Every child is unique. Stepping Stone Learning Center strives to develop children’s interest in learning. We are committed to creating a pleasant learning environment and designing courses that meet the needs of students. We offer language and interest courses to students from pre-school to secondary school level.


Stepping Stone Learning Center 相信每個孩子都是獨一無二

創校十八年,我們旨在培養孩子學習的興趣, 致力營造愉快學習環境及提供符合孩子需要的課程內容,使他們在校內外都能取得好成績。中心為3-18歲的學童提供語文及興趣課程。


Learning Tracks


Phonics is the basic training for learning all aspects of the English language. This course develops children's phonics skills using the Synthetic Phonics program which provides multi-sensory learning experiences. The course is designed for K1-K3 students and is divided into three levels. Certificates can be awarded upon completion of each level after assessment.

Phonics 為閱讀英語的基礎訓練。本課程以歐美教育部指定為最有效的Synthetic Phonics為籃本,配合多重感官的學習體驗建立孩子的讀寫能力。課程專為K1-K3的學生而設, 共分三級,學生完成課程及通過評核可獲頒發証書

Creative Writing

This course provides materials with topics based on real life situations and fun-filled activities that help stimulate students’ imagination to write creatively. Students will master the techniques that good writers use to compose stories, written in a descriptive style. Each lesson of the course is designed to progressively introduce different writing skills such as plot creation, characterization, mood, description, vocabulary enrichment, the use of tenses and dialogue. By the end of the course, students will have learnt valuable skills allowing them to create interesting, thought provoking stories.



This storytelling course focuses on enhancing children’s interest in reading based on a core reading curriculum including the Oxford Reading Tree series and LadyBird books. This course provides a series of extended activities on the theme of the book, to cultivate children's reading interest, improve reading comprehension skills, and train their self-learning ability.

Storytelling 課程通過每星期與孩子閱讀Oxford Reading Tree 系列等故事書,同時以該書本為主題安排一系列的伸延活動,借此培養孩子閱讀興趣、提昇閱讀理解能力,同時訓練他們的自主學習能力,給予孩子一個終身守護他們的生活工具,面對未來的挑戰。

Cambridge English

These courses have been designed and continually developed by the University of Cambridge team to improve children’s general English proficiency. The courses cover four basic language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. After successful completion of each level, your child will receive a well-recognized certificate in English proficiency that will help him or her stand out and get the best opportunities in life.

劍橋綜合英語課程是由劍橋大學圑隊精心設計,涵蓋了四種語言技能 - 閱讀,寫作,聽力和口語。循序漸進地提升孩子英語能力並將學習變得生活化。劍橋英語證書在國際的認受性為同類最高,將幫助您的孩子脫穎而出,獲得最佳的學習和工作機會。本校的外籍老師有多年教授劍橋課程和評卷經驗,課堂生動有趣,課程共分八級,學生需通過評估,按能力編班,學生完成課程並通過考核將獲頒發證書。


An introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematical concepts in a fun, play-based approach. Through projects and sensory-rich activities, this program promotes children's logical, problem-solving skills, creativity and design concepts.


Interview & Presentation

This course aims to train your child how to speak confidently when presenting their ideas in front of a group. Through group discussion and role-play, students learn how to give presentations and build confidence in public speaking.


Homework Club & More

Join us every day for Homework Club to work on assignments or prepare for exams. In addition, we offer Putonghua and Chinese Comprehension.

功課輔導班, 數學專科班, 普通話水平考試班

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